Mr. Creed, I hope this letter finds you and your family doing well after – Greg Creed email address

Donyella Medina sent a message to Greg Creed Chief Executive Officer of Yum Brands Email Address that said:

Mr. Creed,
I hope this letter finds you and your family doing well after the holidays.
My husband has been working for the Pizza Hut Franchise Owners you have here in the Corpus Christi for the past 6 yrs. and to say he has been put through a lot is putting it mildly. Therefore, I will start with what is happening right now. My husbands GM went on vacation a couple of months ago and because of my husbands extensive knowledge on running restaurants he was asked to run the store while she was gone. He did as he was asked and was told he did an excellent job. He was also told that he be getting a raise and doing more management duties. My husband has over the past 3 months opened the store and got it ready for the early shift, trained new shift managers, done the truck orders, and done it all without a raise. My husband called HR multiple times and they have tried to help him by giving him some of the back pay he was owed but after that my husband has been threatened about calling HR again. He was told " Why couldnt he just shut up and do things like everyone else does." Which makes you wonder if there are more people this Franchise is doing this too? After my husband went through the background check, drug test and computer classes he was told he was done and could work at his bosses GM position and he would have a raise right away. Thats not what has happened they have not given him a raise and put him back as just a driver only. And they have threatened to fire him because he called HR in the first place! My Husband is a team player and i guarantee you he is one of the smartest person working for you! I know that the franchises here in my area are breaking the law and breaking the franchise rules as well. Trying to force my husband to work a management without the promised pay raise, thats breaking the law. Watering down the sauce at the Pizza Hut stores here because they can save money. Thats breaking the Franchise rules.
Regards, Donyella Medina

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