Mr. House I have recently sent my ps4 into service well when i sent it – Andrew House email address

Christopher sent a message to Andrew House President and Group CEO, Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. that said:

Mr. House I have recently sent my ps4 into service well when i sent it i was told i would get an email saying they received it well i never did and so today i typed in my case number and i got nothing so i spoke to a rep who informed me that my ps4 supposedly has a "bug infestation" this console is under a year old and i was told they will not give me proof of the infestation i have been with sony ever since the first playstation i am very upset that my console will not under go repair due to this so called infestation i could understand if there was proof but there is not is there any way you can help out us the people who support your company i am not the only one another kid on the fourms said he even opened his and seen no bugs at all so as of right now my trust is not with the company. please contact me as soon as you can about this situation. thank you in advance

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