Mr Lampert,I just read the latest on the quot;woesquot; of Sears Holdings. I – Edward Lampert email address

Robert Rodgers sent a message to Edward Lampert Chairman and CEO of Sears Holdings Email Address that said:

Mr Lampert,

I just read the latest on the "woes" of Sears Holdings. I am a mutual fund distributor and former financial advisor. I know you probably have explored this but why couldnt you take Sears fully online, much like Amazon? Get back to the old Sears Roebuck catalog but in an online model. The Sears brand is massive and I think in 10 years you could rival Amazon and Walmart. Invest in distribution instead of retail.

I also believe the mall anchor model really restricts your growth. Smaller store formats that can receive online shipments and display featured products and items you wouldnt buy online like appliances.

Just some thoughts as I read some stories today.


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