John Epp sent a message to Robert Pittman - Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of iHeartMedia, Inc. - Email Address that said:
Mr Pittman,
As an avid listener to your Tallahassee talk station 100.7 for 15 years,I wanted to bring to your attention the stations degrading lead in promo to some of your most profitable programs eg Rush Limbaugh,Sean Hannity. someone in programing has decided to play ,what im assumed to be humorous,local lead ins to those shows. An example is the announcer saying Hannitys name followed by a Homer Simpson Oh Gee,look at all those knobs Others say the Host name followed by an out take of some angry person. Sir I have a sense of humor like most folks,but I fear the promos are an attempt to degrade the host as well as your listeners. Its uncalled for,its done purposely and I assume you want to keep your listeners to your most profitable programs happy. I for one wont buy from any local sponsors because of this and I have many friends that feel the same way.There is no call for it,its a political statement sanctioned by local management and I think you should put a stop to it. A copy of this is being sent to the producers of those programs so they are aware as well. I encourage you to take action on this issue and inform local management for the need to be more mindful of who their customers are,thanks in advance for your support.
John Epp