Mr. Rutledge,Having trouble with cable.. I know you probably don\'t care but I keep – Thomas M Rutledge email address

Rhonda L. Speakman sent a message to Thomas M. Rutledge Chief Executive Officer and President of Charter Communications, Inc. Email Address that said:

Mr. Rutledge,

Having trouble with cable.. I know you probably dont care but I keep getting new charges every time I get my bill. I understand that spectrum is really making money on this deal and if so I would like to have one of the high paying jobs that you have in your company? I am very upset and if I can get another company out my way i will do so. Sorry to burden you with this problem. Sorry for the inconvenience but I am really hurt with all of this billing.

I hope next year will turn out to be better than this year.

Rhonda L. Speakman

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