George sent a message to Edward W. Stack Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Dicks Sporting Goods Email Address that said:
Mr. Stack,
I wanted to let you know you have lost our family as consumers! Why you find a need to mix politics with you retail business was a big mistake. Discontinuing to sell guns because of liberal agendas is a slap in the majority of Americans faces. Your store cant even get a decent level of baseball gear, bats, gloves etc in any California store where baseball is played year round. And yet, you find the need to discontinue selling guns? Wow. Get your priorities straight or keep “your” political views out of business. Because of “your” views. You have lost a $$ paying customer!! You have shown us your true agenda and it isnt just selling what public needs. Good luck with lefty consumers with no kids and no jobs , who also dont even play any kind of sports! You blew it!!