Amanda sent a message to A. G. Lafley Chairman, President, and CEO, Procter Gamble that said:
My fiance served his country for over 12 years before being medically retired from the Air Force on 11/27/14 because he has Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia or HSP. He turned down a college soccer scholarship to become a USAF Crew Cheif just like his dad and just like his dad HSP took over his body at 30 years old. HSP follows the "Y" chromosome and every male in the family either has HSP or Cerebral Palsy. (We have 3 boys and 1 girl in all so I'm terrified but that's another story) After coming home from Afganistan and becoming one of the best Crew Cheifs the Air Force had they transfered him to Eglin AFB where he helped start the F-35 program and he launched the first flight. That's when he noticed his legs weren't working quite right. It came on very fast. He started to drop weight and muscle mass. When he couldnt pass his annual PT test and was unable to run they started the process of medically retiring him. Unfortunately, Herreditary problems aren't seen the same way as wounds in the military. We are lucky that he gets any retirment pay at all. $930/month to be exact. He has become extremely depressed and he is a die-hard Ohio State football fan. Needless to say, we can't afford to go to the championship game on January 12 as much as Id like to take him. He deserves to go to the championship game. Its always been a dream of his to attend an Ohio State Championship game. I don't think he even owns a shirt that isn't Ohio state. Our youngest is 6 months and oldest is 10. He literally is super dad in my eyes. He can hardly walk but always finds a way to do just about anything. My Hero, my children's hero, one of Americas heros, he needs a hero. Please help me get him to the game. Thank you for taking the time to read this.