My name is Mr Daniel J Mayeux I tried to contact your customer service on – Daniel H Dan Schulman email address

Daniel Mayeux sent a message to Dan Schulman President and CEO of PayPal Email Address that said:

My name is Mr Daniel J Mayeux I tried to contact your customer service on Jan 8 2018 with a small problem. I spent two hours on hold and no one picked up the phone. When they did answer the phone i was told the code number they gave me had become invalid in one hour, so your people told me to call back with a new number. I waited one more hour on hold still no help. I went to you web site and your people sent me a text. I followed the instructions, still no help. I found your picture on the web and I like you at first sight. your picture makes you look down to earth a people kind of a guy you know the tee shirt look no tie or suit. i am 70 years years old and worked hard for 41 years with the same employer. I Know people so I am not usually wrong about what i see in persons face. I believe you want to help, so do not disappoint me get someone to call me so we can fix my problem. I can be reached at 912-409-8176

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