My wife Sherry and I purchased a kitchenaid dishwasher last Friday. It was delivered yesterday – Hubert Joly email address

Jerry Hyde sent a message to Hubert Joly President and CEO, Best Buy email address that said:

My wife Sherry and I purchased a kitchenaid dishwasher last Friday. It was delivered yesterday .....damaged, then installed and would not work..... called Scott, then Alez at the resolution center at HQ. They nsaid that the "form" was sent to the Dallas warehouse (no phone, no name) and they were to get back with us within 24 hours with a proposal. They did not - and there is no way to contact them. BB is now closed for the weekend and we have no dishwasher and no resolution. I doubt that this email will get to you, but if it does ... we need help from someone who understands and appreciates CUSTOMER SERVICE . Thanks, Jerry (Ronny) Hyde

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