Nancy McCutcheon 12008 Randee Road New Port Richey Florida I am reaching out to you. I lost – Kelly S King email address

Nancy McCutcheon sent a message to Kelly S. King - Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of BBT Corporation - Email Address that said:

Nancy McCutcheon
12008 Randee Road
New Port Richey Florida
I am reaching out to you. I lost my veteran husband who fought cancer the last 4 years. We were together 42 years and sold most of what we could the last few years. After he passed I went to the bank, showed his accounts and asked what I needed to do. She said shed let me know. I never heard anything. Seven months later I received notice of forclosure on our home. Ive yried and tried to vorrect this. Yesterday, I left work and rushed to the bank to correct things but the woman had to leave for an Emergency of hers. I only have one week to respond to the forclosure. Who can help me! Im at my wits end!!!
Nancy McCutcheon
727 514 1751

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