@napaknowhow – Thomas Gallagher – Dear Mr. Donohue, Even with this COVID-19 pandemic in place, our cars are still requiring

Jackie sent a message to Thomas Gallagher that said:

Dear Mr. Donohue,
Even with this COVID-19 pandemic in place, our cars are still requiring maintenance. Today, I was so skillfully assisted by one of your employees named John who works at your Napa Auto Parts Store located at 102 West Capitol Drive in Milwaukee, WI.

The dash “low air” light in my car had been on for over two months and I knew I had to do something to correct that problem. The only thing was, I failed miserably when trying to use that tire inflator gadget. So this morning I decided to be brave and ask for help. I went into your East Capitol store and asked if there were someone there….. anyone who would show me how to use that tire gadget (there were no other customers in the store at the time). None of your other technicians even looked my way. But there was John….. and he volunteered to help me. Boy was I elated to have him take the time to help me.

To make a long story short, it took him no time to get me on the right track. Little did he realize how very, very thankful I was for his kind response to my dilemma. It only took him minutes, but it meant the world to me because now because of his helping me, I will be able futuristically to inflate these car tires myself: a learning lesson.
I was so over joyed that I thought you should know of his passion for what he does every day as well as his thoughtfulness, kindness and compassion towards others…… in this case this morning, it was me.
Therefore, if you have an employee of the month or of the year, I would like to nominate John. Not only because of his kindhearted benevolence towards me but I am sure, others as well.

Thanks for taking the time to read this observation.


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