@nike – Mark Parker – Hello Mark Parker, Doctors tried to kill my mom and I last year in separate

Naomi Belhassen sent a message to Mark Parker that said:

Hello Mark Parker,

Doctors tried to kill my mom and I last year in separate incidents and I tried to hold the doctors criminally responsible but it was impossible in the beginning because the police officers thought that doctors were better than other people for some weird reason. I did a lot of research and I showed that doctors are intentionally causing the opioid crisis, the homeless crisis and the mass shootings. Please look at my research. We desperately need someone to try to make the public aware of the opioid problem because doctors are giving patients the wrong information intentionally.

I contacted the Prime Minister, each member of Senate and every elected official in my province and they know that we are being killed but for whatever reason they aren’t acting. I don’t know why but we need someone with influence that can care or it will be a genocide.

I’m emailing you from Canada. I am so desperate to find someone that can help. Doctors have killed more than 2 million people and they will continue. Can you please send me an email so that I can send you the research that I accumulated to give to the local police station. They were amazed.

Thanks, Naomi

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