@nike – Mark Parker – I was wondering if you could maybe get me a really good discount on some

Candace Langston sent a message to Mark Parker that said:

I was wondering if you could maybe get me a really good discount on some Nike clothes. I have 2 daughters ages 17 and 13 and I'm raising them with the help of my mom. I'm going through a divorce because my husband didn't work the whole 12 years we have been married. My mom just got divorced also. I'm currently looking for a job with more hours. I haven't been able to get Christmas presents for my girls and Jan. 1 was my 17 year olds birthday and I couldn't afford to get her anything.
They love Nike hoodies and sweats and of course shoes, which is why I decided to take a shot and see if I could get a really good discount just so I could give them something from me. I understand if you don't do stuff like that but it was worth asking. Thank you and I hope you have a wonderful day!!
Candace Langston

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