not sure who to contact at your company regarding the following: In NYC overhead woman – Carol Meyrowitz email address

SF sent a message to Carol Meyrowitz President and CEO, TJX Companies, Inc. that said:

not sure who to contact at your company regarding the following: In NYC overhead woman who is suing TJ Maxx for a slip and fall, i.e., she says that in your Forest Hills TJ Max she slipped and fell when going to see some handbags her teenage daughter wanted her to look at. She said that the video tape your store has shows a larger woman falling and then it shows her slipping and falling, but it doesn't show that she entered the store with an ace bandage and limping. Her attorney said it will come out but she tells him it won't because the tape doesn't show it.

So just let your legal know that, her own attorney wants her to be honest and is discouraging her from suing. I was in that area of NYC where she was, near the court houses in downtown NYC dealing with situation made more difficult because of people like her, i.e., that are not real victims that's why I thought to let you know.

Good luck and feel free to e-mail me if you think I might be able to help your people figure out who this is.

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