On 3rd March 2016, our company has written an email to Singtel to inform of – Chua Sock Koong email address

Andree sent a message to Chua Sock Koong CEO, SingTel that said:

On 3rd March 2016, our company has written an email to Singtel to inform of our office relocation to a new address.
Singtel customer care has given our company a new telephone line and a new facsimile line (on our request) during the 1st week of March 2016.
When our office staff contacted Singtel again for the new numbers as agreed on the 2nd week of March 2016, we were told the new number (telephone) is given to another Singtel customer except for the fascimile number. Our company was then given another telephone number. I implored Singtel customer care officer to note due attention as our company, being professional has to send mass email to inform all of our customers and partners (hundreds) on the relocation, including new telephone and fax numbers. That Singtel customer care officer assured our company of the agreed new numbers!
On the 3rd week of March, Singtel reneged on the agreed new phone number again and issued our company another number!
On the 4th week of March, I contacted Singtel customer care and spoke to a male customer care officer and note that our company will be sending mass email to our customers and partner on the change of numbers (our new numbers). I reiterated that this is official and that Singtel should not messed up once again with such unprofessionalism. Singtel customer care assured me on the new numbers as agreed.
Today (1st April 2016), I tried on the our official Singtel given number and was answered by another company! This is infuriating and I contacted Singtel on their unprofessional attitude with such tardiness. I have yet to receive any reply after leaving my contact

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