P.O, BOX 83 STATION A SYDNEY N.S. Your help line is not – Daniel H Dan Schulman email address

Dwayne Cote sent a message to Dan Schulman President and CEO of PayPal Email Address that said:

Your help line is not helpful . I was put on hold for one hour and I am on hold again at 11:07 pm for again going on a half hour.
I travel internationally in my business and i have never encountered such a lack of professionalism.
This is really hilarious . I cant believe this human race and the egos of people. Unbelievable how you would allow this.
Why would have a help line that is setup to make it nearly impossible to get help if you simply didnt want to help.
I have this photoed and emailed and sent to my support group for my business.
I am paying you when i use my paypal

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