@PaulGAllen – Paul Allen – Dear Mr. Allen, As one of the co-founders of Microsoft you had the power to

Mary Nardo sent a message to Paul Allen that said:

Dear Mr. Allen, As one of the co-founders of Microsoft you had the power to set up rules for users of company's properties. As a former teacher in Florida, I found that learning was greatly improved when students had access to all that Microsoft had to offer. I had a passion in my 31-year career to help students develop their brains through critical and creative thinking skills. Becoming a teacher in Florida was not rewarding financially but rewarding beyond expectations to see students succeed. In the almost 15 years since I retired I have missed the excitement of inspiring students to succeed. One small way that Microsoft helps students to maintain thinking skills is to provide free games--whether for youngsters or senior citizens. Microsoft's wonderful free games included Chess Titans--a game that instills the desire to challenge one's brain by competing against the computer at different skill levels. But, with the introduction of Windows 10 Microsoft removed that wonderful, free game. Microsoft does so much philanthropic good, so why not give Windows 10 PC users the Chess Titans again! The 3-D game means so much to many who loved playing the exciting Titans game for so long. As you personally know, many Americans are in love with sports, but in my teaching career, I discovered that there are many who like myself prefer to challenge our minds. Chess Titans is a wonderful resource to accomplish that, especially among senior citizens. It would be a small "favor" to help all of us keep using our brains as we age. Can you convince Mr. Gates and your Microsoft "new" CEO to download Chess Titans into Windows 10? Using our brains is so critical to healthy aging, especially for those retirees with limited incomes--compared to those of you who have been very successful financially. Please consider helping in a small way to contact and convince those in charge at Microsoft to download the free Chess Titans. Many former Chess Titans players, including senior citizens, would appreciate Microsoft's effort to do that. Thank you!

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