@penskemotorjobs – Roger S Penske – Penske is a joke. And I will never use them again. When I needed to

John sent a message to Roger S Penske that said:

Penske is a joke. And I will never use them again.
When I needed to move across country they stepped right up and took the job, no questions asked. They booked me up about a month prior to the move. The lady (Jessica) on the phone was a nice as could and buttered me up real good.
Well after about two weeks Penske started calling me. Making sure I was still on for the move. After the (and I'm not exaggerating) 11th call from Penske to verify I still need a truck and trailer, I literally told the guy to add a note to my records that say "Stop calling me!" Thankfully calls stop.
Let's jump up to MOVE DAY. Here's where it gets really fun.
I have an appointment to pick up my truck at 9am and trailer that is 45 minutes away from house. Why they couldn't get a t/t to the Home Depot that was 3 minutes away from I don't know . So I have a good buddy of mine drop me off at the store where my t/t were supposed to be at. Walk inside. Nobody's at the counter. Splendid. I wait a few minutes and start walking around. 10 minutes pass a guy finally comes walking up. But he's on lunch. So nope he won't do anything. A few more minutes pass and a guy finally offers to help.
I give him my info only to find out I don't have a reservation? Remember they called to verify 11 times. Apparently they misspelled something back on day one. So now my info is in. Lets go find my t/t. We walk outside. No truck. Only a trailer. Great. By the way I'm over an hour in. (Mind you my daughters 1st Birthday/Our going away party was in less than 3 hours)We walk back inside and he says he doesn't know what to tell me. Well I need a truck so find me one.By this point I'm frustrated and fuming. After searching their webMD of trucks he said he found one. I have to ask him to call to make sure a truck is there. Because it's not right up the road. No. It's about another 40 minutes away. That's terrific. Well I need a truck so I have to go.
Over 2 hours in now. My friend takes me to the next location. There's a truck! A couple of them! So we get excited and he drops me off, I walk in cause they know I need a truck from their phone call an hour ago. They have my paperwork set up for all nice and neat. The lady says "Will that be all for you today?" I said "ummmm, no wheres my trailer?" "What trailer?" So now, even though they called AND verified 11 times that I needed a t/t, they didn't know I needed one apparently. After a little bit of time the lady behind the counter says "There's a trailer back at store #1"
Well anyways the lady had to do some switching around in the computer with stuff to make it so I could pay for t/t and just pick up the trailer and go home.
Now it's time to pay.
THEY CHARGED ME 3 TIMES. Driving across country isn't cheap.
I had to have my wife call our bank and to get them to unscrew up my money so I could finish this up.
3 hour mark.
Everything gets squared away. I just now have to drive another hour an half until I get home.
Finally make it home and we get everything loaded. It ruined the party for my daughter and I.
Now I will say this, for a 24 hour drive in a penske truck isn't that bad but I will say the driver seat was worn out so bad I had to stuff pillows in the hole.
We make it to our destination with no problems.
Let's unload my car from the trailer. I start backing off and I hear something ripping out. I stop, get out and look and damn bumper is ripping off. Theres a metal plate that stops your tires from going too far forward and it's apparently too tall for economy sized cars. I finish unloading and try to fix the bumper myself. Someone should've asked to make sure my car would work on the trailer. It's not perfect but it'll do for temporary until I call penske and get them to fix it. So we get everything else unloaded and I take the t/t back.
I take it to the nearest location and drop it off. I walk up their office thing and tell them who I am, just dropping off, see ya later. They put in my info and says "it says you returned the truck already? 2 days ago actually"
Now how in the hell is that possible? I just left 2 days ago! It was complete nonsense and I had to wait around for an hour and a half for them to say "everything is okay, you can go" meanwhile my wife and daughter are out in the car and my daughter is screaming at the top of her lungs. Mind you it was 114 out. We're tired from the move. We wanna just take a nap. But whatever. They get paid by the hour.
So I call a couple of weeks ago to put in my claim on my car. I've been caught up with work and just being busy getting settled I haven't called back yet. I filed s claim an they said they would call within 5 days and NEVER received anything.
I just got off the phone with these people today . I was told "that's why you use your own insurance" and "I won't be helping you get your car fixed" She also told me that they cant disclose at the time you file your claim that they couldnt knt help you.
So why the hell didn't they just say that in the first place? I just paid a shit ton of money for my family and I to move across country only to be treated like dirt.
The only thing penske saw was a good pay day and nothing else.
I will never use Penske again. This whole trip was a complete headache with these people. I'm requesting some money back since the hassle an the headache. I see why Uhaul is used more.

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