rodney martin sent a message to JOHN HUFFMAN that said:
I i am Rodney Martin I live at 1832 old stake rd Chadbourn nc 28431. Hi i am trying a experiment. I have started a collection i like the oakland raiders and have some of there stuff. I have always wanted to collection of real painting and stuff from history and stuff. This might sound a little crazy. i bet all kinds of organizations and people come to you and ask you to donate money and stuff. So i am asking you to donate something from your person collection it can be something that cost $1 or $10\'000 not money. and that you ask 1 person who can aford it. Not money somthing for my colection a real painting a master a real old book mark from someone famis. and ask some one to do the same then they pass it on. i am not looking to make any money just a colction and to see how mane famis people who will send. thanks for your time. i hope you will donate. thanks for your time