@petsmart – Michael Massey – Dear Mr. Symancyk, I am sure you are a pet lover as both my husband

Adrienne Nicholson sent a message to Michael Massey that said:

Dear Mr. Symancyk, I am sure you are a pet lover as both my husband and I are. We live in San Luis Obispo, CA and buy food, toys and accessories for our beloved Cavapoo as well as family and friends dogs and cats. We regularly donate to the PetSmart Charities as well with our store purchases. Last Saturday, December 14,2019, I was horrified. I took our 3 year old, Sophie, to see "Santa" at the San Luis Obispo, CA. store. The Santa NEVER uttered a word. There was a dog bed at the feet of Santa we were instructed to put Sophie on. She refused. I asked if she could be held by Santa. Again, no words from Santa. the helper asked if she was a biter. I responded with a firm NO. The picture was awful. Santa had a death grip on my 11 pound dog. I know she felt his resistance. I can show you 2000 photos of her and not in one does she have the look on her face as she did with this store's Santa. I am quite sure there were others that could have played this role much better. It made me feel guilty for taking her to her favorite place and was concerned that our trusting little girl might fear strangers from this experience. I am hoping that as the CEO of this company, you are able to help guide the hiring process for folks working with pets and their owners. I work for the SLO County Department of Social Services and believe me, we NEVER treat our clients and their animals in this way. Thank you in advance for any help you might be able to give. Happy Holidays to you and yours.
Kind regards, Adrienne Nicholson

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