@Plaid_Toyoda – Akio Toyoda – Dear Mr. Akio Toyoda, I am writing in regards to my Son Joshua, whom just

Angela Moon sent a message to Akio Toyoda that said:

Dear Mr. Akio Toyoda,
I am writing in regards to my Son Joshua, whom just
recently wrecked his 2019 Tacoma Sport vehicle,
Joshua is in college, and that morning was traveling back to school (Westminster College New Wilmington,PA) when he went off the road and hit into a dirt mound on the side of a country road went thru alot of dirt and wet grass . Joshua is fine, not hurt at all!! My reason for writing is that all 6 airbags went off, which kept him in his seat and literally saved his life...It scares me to think of what could have happen if they were not installed in your vehicle...I never really thought about airbag safety before this happened...I am very grateful and thankful for the safety of this truck (If you have children , you know exactly what I mean) unfortunately his favorite truck was totalled, which leaves him without a vehicle now and beside himself....He is feeling so bad that he has let us, his parents down! we are so very thankful he is alive and well. Joshua is a Junior at Westminter College, playing footbal, Criminal Justice Major wanting to pursue State or Federal Law enforcement
I just wanted to reach out to express my gratitude and hopefully he will be able to get another Tacoma
Sport vehicle, for he really loved that Truck.
Thank you Again,
Respectfully and Grateful
Angela and Scott Moon
Pittsburgh, Pa 15227

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