@Plaid_Toyoda – Akio Toyoda – Dear Sir,<br>Have a good day , Kindly note that I purchased a Toyota Corolla2015 car

Khaled ismail sent a message to Akio Toyoda that said:

Dear Sir,
Have a good day , Kindly note that I purchased a Toyota Corolla2015 car from Abdulatif Jameel In saudi Arabia Ruyadh . and it is not as per the toyota standard of Quality and safety .
Please reply to me with a mail in order to send you all the documents as the company Abdul lateef jameel treated me very badly wich is totally different and far away from the customer care of toyota as ia ma a custo,mer of toyota sincee 1997 ,
I surprised when i faced that .
a waiting for reply to send you the case .
Khaled Ismail Mohamed
Strategy & HR director
Mob: 00966596236550

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