@Plaid_Toyoda – Akio Toyoda – Xalapa, Veracruz. Mexico. October 18 th 2015<br><br>Dear Mr President AkioToyoda<br><br>I am writing you to infom

FELIPE GAMBOA sent a message to Akio Toyoda that said:

Xalapa, Veracruz. Mexico. October 18 th 2015

Dear Mr President AkioToyoda

I am writing you to infom you that there has been false information in the transfer of the vehicl of mine. regarding to the tyres and rims it was installed in my 2012 Toyota Sienna XLE by the local plant. Consequently, that means a total deceive to the client, and for that reason I am beggin you to repair the moral damage, derived from false information already mentioned.
My purpose when comenting these observations is you staff to carry out the pertinent actions, and no making the same mistake again Moreover. the vehicle was made by Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Indiana, INc. in the United States of America; and the ID is 5TDYK3DC6CS215144.
Thank you attention. I look forward to hearing from you, and hope you take into accoun my request.

Yours sincerely.

Felipe Gamboa
E-Mail: felipegamboa@hotmail.com

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