Charles Walters sent a message to Abigail Johnson President and Chief Executive Officer of Fidelity Investments and Chairman of Fidelity Worldwide Investment email address that said:
Please excuse this intrusion. I am with a small Foundation (M I Hope Inc.) to which I have granted six of my seven constructions systems to. We are concerned with two major market areas, not as a profit base but as a Humanitarian endeavor. The systems actually speak for themselves in that they are delivered as "kits" - two as shells one in minutes and the other in one day with the
one, two and three b/r "C O R E" units finished out in the factory and popped together on prepared site in half day with all systems functioning (provided electrical inspector is on time)
The project is to provide Wounded Veterans and Disaster Victims free units and to make available the "O P E N area" 2,000 sq. ft. single level shell units to retirees as finished out units and DIY parties. Due to large floor space, up to seven bed rooms can be configured for habitat and here in PA only one person is required for seven people.
We came up with an idea that a "namesake"
there are four major ones - Johnson being the largest - mine only has slightly over one hundred thousand, for just a one dollar contribution each would cement a start up budget. The logic being that we prove what we can do with just one dollar and grow from there. Of course It takes a Johnson to get it started, hence this communication to your good offices
Quite frankly we will be surprised should we by some strange quirk of fate hear back from you.
In any event we thank you for your kind attention and may you and yours receive only the very best of the best.
Charles Walters
M I Hope Inc.
Sr. Executive V. P.