@PNCNews – William Demchak – I would like to be contacted regarding an ongoing issue with Overdraft Protection and Checking

Tracey M. Triplett sent a message to William Demchak that said:

I would like to be contacted regarding an ongoing issue with Overdraft Protection and Checking Accounts.
Specifically, I made a payment from my checking to my OD account on 1/17/20. It posted 1/17/20. On 1/22/20 my account over drafted and I received $108.00 worth of fees. Today's modern technology allows for accounts to be instantly debited at POS locations, but PNC needs 5 days to credit my OD account monies paid on 1/17? Every other payment to every other account was posted the same day. Again, PNC has yet to post my payment to the OD account.
It appears as though transferring money from one account to another at a huge modern bank takes days. This seems like one more attempt to suck money out of the hands, pockets and children's mouths of "the little guy".
I am disappointed and mayhap even a little disgusted.
I have taken pictures of both accounts in question.
Obviously this is unfair and needs to be addressed at a higher level.

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