@PNCNews – William Demchak – My mom, a long time member and customer with PNC in WPB, FLorida became a

Angela Rogers C/O Nancy Rogers sent a message to William Demchak that said:

My mom, a long time member and customer with PNC in WPB, FLorida became a victim of a scammer obtaining access to her bank account, creating fraudulent activity within the account that she did not do and creating a fear in her that he would take everything she had while threatening her life. The way things were handled by not only the local bank personnel but also with the online computer fraud/scam departments' lack of response has been little to be desired. This happened on 10/23/19-10/27/19 in which the local branch, authorities and FBI were contacted on 10/28/19. I have yet to have any resolution, help, detail nor response of any kind as to how PNC can rectify, resolve or help with the monies lost with the fraud investigation that was supposedly implemented over 2 weeks ago. When I am in contact with the local branch or credit dispute and fraud units they are not able to offer any help but push me to some other department. PNC is supposed to be committed to the safety of accounts, their customers and especially to scam of the elderly. I need your help and your attention to this matter so that it can be directed and handled properly and promptly. Thank you for your time and for your help and cooperation in the future!
Sincerely and desperately needing action,
Angela Rogers

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