@PODS – John Koch – John, I wanted to reach out to you regarding an absolutely awful experience I am

Dave Brodeur sent a message to John Koch that said:

John, I wanted to reach out to you regarding an absolutely awful experience I am having with PODS and nobody is helping. I need your help PLEASE. Below is a summary:
-May 20th I called and scheduled my POD to be picked up and moved to my new residence. The scheduled pickup date was to be 5/30.
-5/29 I never received a pickup window call
-5/30 I called and was told that the pickup was never scheduled and it was 100% PODs mistake, and that there was a record of my request but the representative never scheduled it. At that time I informed the representative that as of 0900 hours on 5/31 I will no longer own the house that the POD is currently at and it can't stay there. I was told that the next available pickup wasn't until 6/3 but that they could put in a red calendar override request for 5/31 (which they did). I was told that doesn't mean the POD will get picked up that date. 6/3 should have been the fall back date then if the red calendar override did not work.
-5/31 the POD is not picked up. It is now and currently still is sitting in a driveway to a home I no longer own.
-6/1 I call and speak with a representative. He tells me that it was not even scheduled for the 6/3 pickup and now the next available pickup isn't until 6/5. I informed him that's unacceptable as I don't own the house anymore. The POD needs taken out immediately. Additionally, the new owner of the home was having their POD delivered to that location on 6/1. I asked him if the empty truck could then remove my POD since it would be there. The representative called and spoke with the manager of the storage facility and told me that they couldn't have the empty truck pickup the POD because it would mess up the schedule. I was told the manager agreed that it would "ABSOLUTELY" be picked up and moved on 6/3. I asked for a confirmation email but was told that they couldn't send one since it was a manual entry but that he was going to email the manager that agreed to the pickup as well as the phone call being recorded.
-6/3 the POD is not picked up. I called and was told that nothing is on the schedule and they really had no idea when it would be picked up. An email was sent to the three regional managers asking them to contact me but they never did.
-6/3 Corinne KULAK is assigned as my customer advocacy specialist. She sent me an email but with no update when my POD would be picked up.
-6/4 I emailed and called KULAK twice plus spoke with another representative who could not tell me anything other than they didn't know. KULAK finally emailed me back with "I do not have an update on the redelivery of your container at this time." That's it. No details about what she's doing to try and get my container delivered.
-6/4 I spoke with another representative who listed the POD as a threat to tow and emailed the three regional managers. Still my POD has never been added to any schedule and now I am being told the next available date isn't for another week.

This is unacceptable. I don't have my belongings and the POD is in the driveway that I don't own. If this was my mistake I would own it, but it's not. The new owners are rightfully just as pissed as I am. PLEASE HELP ME. Nobody within PODS seems to care.

Dave Brodeur

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