Teresa Planka sent a message to William Crenshaw that said:
Dear Mr. Jones,
I quit Publix today~~Not really a happy day for me to have to do this, however, I feel a weight lifted.
I've been at Publix in Inverness for 4 years as of October 22, 2020.
I had my last evaluation about a week ago, I received a .25 cent raise, to me, a total slap in the face. For the last 3-6 months, I have been chastised for not being "more productive" or in my terminology~faster/fast enough, although, my grocery aisles were always leveled, I worked in Grocery as a stocker. I'm not perfect, but I always showed up to work on time and on my scheduled days. I was, in my mind, being harrassed, I did have a talk with John, another supervisor letting him know how I was being treated by Kyle Badger (how fitting~his last name), nice man actually. I also had a discussion with Janet about Kyle in regards to not getting the "candy" out within 5 minutes~~there were at least 12 cases. I almost called the Labor board, felt my age was being attacked~~I am a female and 59 years old but I didn't. My discussion with Janet and John regarding Kyle, he was having a bad week and she was coaching him to "calm" down as he is young and can multi-task quite fast, unlike some of us girls.
Anyway, Publix may be a great store to shop at but to work for, a disappointment. I did my best, my aisles were leveled, product got out, sometimes not at the right time, I was a team player, got a long with all of my co-workers and made sure by the end of night, that the back room was swept, garbage's were dumped, product put on shelves.
I had recently transferred into the liquor store, maybe a new start, however, I was approached by Janet regarding some liquor that was not put away one evening~~she had told me as I was at the counter, she was in the back room, I had customer's and had been by myself (the trainer had to leave early, an emergency at home) and I didn't hear Janet, so she jumped me for "production" issues~(a few days later) not getting the liquor out that night, well, I didn't hear her, I was busy with customers and I don't hear that well anyway, she had left the store, I had no idea what she said. Being there by myself it was all I could do to help customers and get the lotto counted before my end shift at 5 pm, in which I stayed passed 530 pm to get that done and clock out.
I don't know about you, but if I am being "intimidated" or reprimanded at all, I get really paranoid. There is absolutely NO encouragement, NO "praise" for the hard work we do. No "good job"~~we all are just another Number, in my book.
I couldn't take the stress. I used to enjoy my job, but haven't in months. I don't deserve this kind of treatment, nor does anyone else.
Anyway, what's done is done. I am no longer an employee of the best place to work in Inverness. I am content with my decision, no longer stressed.
I don't want any one to lose their job(s), but you should know how people are being treated. There are two other people one in grocery and the other in produce that have also had issues with Kyle, but that is their business if they want to discuss those issues.
Thank you for reading my "issues"
Teresa Planka
8618 E Gospel Island Rd, Lot 41
Inverness, FL 34450