@raytheon – Thomas Kennedy – To the CEO and Director of Raytheon and Hughes Aircraft.How much money is enough

Phillip Arthur Lambert Junior sent a message to Thomas Kennedy that said:

To the CEO and Director of Raytheon and Hughes Aircraft.How much money is enough for the Company.If you read this you will went to know or your Secretary will went to know for you. My name is Mr. Phillip Arthur Lambert Junior and I made Billions of dollars for the Company's. first of all work on six Prototypes that can to Me.One LNA call the LNB for Direc TV Prototypes , two Microwave Prototypes ,two space satellites brain Prototypes and B2 Prototypes also Plus all the work I did on top of that all for the Company's. No General ,Manager , no Operation Manager , no Manager , no Supervisor, no technician , no engineer , no Master engineer , no Senior Scientist could help me with all the Prototypes. me Mr. Phillip Arthur Lambert Junior did the work all by myself and they all are working for the Company's. For my effort Raytheon and Hughes Aircraft made Billions of and I got no RD money for my efforts. The only dollars I got was $375.50 For my Retirement is this how a big Company Awards your effort by taking all of your Retirement and give you fraction of your Retirement. How much money is enough for two Company by take from the poor and giving to the rich. My ID is (hacc6742) 3019 N. 68 St Kansas City Kansas 66109 my SSN: 486748913 and my EX-Manager is Franco Lozano at 310-334-7610 and his e-mail is (flozano@Raytheon.com) he can validate some of the paperwork also; the Benefits Center couldn't do anything at all no matter what I said or did they refused any more Retirement form any person . Can you help me like I helped you get a new Retirement it has been 2 1/2 years with no help from Benefits Center with this matter.

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