@RBS – Ross McEwan – Dear mister McEwan, I have an exiting new morgage product idea. I think it will

Cok waaijer sent a message to Ross McEwan that said:

Dear mister McEwan,

I have an exiting new morgage product idea.
I think it will get your bank a realy big market share in the mortage market verry fast.

You get existing morgages from for the hype
With morgage ratio vs current market value from 50% and up
Customers save half te interest they pay.
No new taxation.

It is rather easy to explain.
And i will gladly do so by mail phone or in person.
But I like to speak to the right people.

Hope this wil reach you in good order.

Wo I am? A dancing teacher, an ICT Guy, the inventor of the mybike system mybike.nu or mybike.nl
I like to think outside the box.


Cok Waaijer
Email :

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