cibel attisen sent a message to Donald Slager that said:
on tuesday, 5/22/18, a republic trash truck passed my property. the truck connected and dislodged a large, heavy boulder which was used along with others to brace my mailbox. the boulder was then dragged into the center of my driveway. as a result my mailbox has less support and I was left with no egress into or out of my property.
I made numerous phone calls to your customer service with no success. for a strange reason I received a call from your New Brunswick, nj dispatcher. he stated that he would help me reach the right person. NEVER heard from anyone since.
finally, I called and spoke with a CS supervisor, Brandon, and then with al. al came out and unceremoniously, and incorrectly, moved the boulder back into the wrong position: the boulder shimmies.
al has left me in a vulnerable position. when the boulder slips onto the road it becomes a dangerous road hazard. a driver hits it, destroys his car, resulting in a serious accident.
as a result, I left messages conveying my concerns to brandon. have not heard back from him as of this writing.
this episode has me very upset, leaving me to think this experience smacks of chicanery.