@RobertIger – Robert Iger – Hello Robert Iger: I am glad you prompted me to share my problem; but there

Stephanie Hall sent a message to Robert Iger that said:

Hello Robert Iger:

I am glad you prompted me to share my problem; but there is a chance that if you help me violence will result because, it's paid for by Doris Davidson of Davidson Farms, OR.

To come to the point.. I have supplied useful past life information touching 39 countries to the Dept. of Defense and State Department and other Executive Depts. for 19 years. A contract was not offered so, I want to sue to obtain funds due my company.

They outed me erroneously as Jesus in the Middle East. I've had not privacy for decades; because of this breach of the S1 governent secret classification my company gave to the data base. The report is now 210 pages long; it's titled, Transparency... Our Common Ground & Other Riddles of the Universe.

Bill Clinton broke Internet Privacy Laws against my Company when, it's name was Grail Global Inc. or The Stefano Company, LLC and now has published my research work as his own work in Japan, China and elsewhere believing he did not plagiarize proprietary information, but a book in progresss.

I have always told the government not to disseminate the data broadly because, it could cause a disruption to the religiosocial zeitgeist, in place, globally. They have anyway and since, the horse has left the barn I've sent in updates and wished them luck hoping to make the S1 document as correct as possiible.

Senators Schumer, Sandeers and McConnell agreed my Co. ought to be paid $800M years ago; but it has not been forthcoming. The attorneys I've asked to negotiate with the Clintons whom, have according to Pres. Trump's assistant Stephen Miller has made gross profits of $1.7 B.

If, the company is paid it stands to gross $1.4 B; but I require someone to push the closure of this case forward. The last attorneys I've asked to help are Mittchell & Crunk Winder, GA.. I think, both, Pres. Trump and Sec. of State Mike Pompeo phoned Mitchell & Crunk with a change of heart siding with my company against the Clintons, last night; but I'm not sure.

Thank you, for yout time.


Stephanie Hall Founder & CEO
The Hall Institute of Historical R & D Co.

(Soon to be Socrates Inc.)

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