@robertiger – Robert Iger – Hello Sir, Please just hear me out, this is not hate speech or anything to

Dee Finley sent a message to Robert Iger that said:

Hello Sir,
Please just hear me out, this is not hate speech or anything to do with racism. First I believe there are bad, evil people in all races and cultures, I'm a woman and a mother who cares about people; Mostly children. I'm in my 50's, and I loved Walt Disney and the films; But now I'm very heart broken that your allowing the LGBTQ people get to you and take over a place that once was a beautiful place for children. Now the films are being taken over by perverse sick people, I don't understand why you would let this happen to a wonderful world. Science has gone to far with humans and it's a shame that Disney is hopping on board the wrong track. A lot of people are speaking out against the LGBTQ agenda harming innocent little minds of children, Disney will suffer I believe greatly if you don't do something and stop promoting films for LGBTQ and nongender. There are only two genders male and female, and I would suggest that you study up on the facts, because most of these people were abused as children they have found out, and most of them are sorry they changed their sex. A guy can never be a girl and a girl can never be a guy. Science is messing in the wrong place. Just something to think about. Thank you

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