Sherri Grohovsky sent a message to Robert Iger that said:
I have just read in the Wall Street Journal an article regarding the abortion laws in Georgia and your comment "I think many people who work for us will not want to work there, and we will have to heed their wishes in that regard...." How dare you make such a statement! Disney taking a stand supporting abortions! That's basically what your liberal statement means. If your employees want to make such a statement and you are supporting their views, why are you CEO of a family oriented, children friendly attraction? What a contradiction!!! My family has been going to Disney World since my son was 2 - and he is now 40. We go every 2-4 years; staying at the Polynesian and the tradition is carrying over to our grandchild. Disney is about children and family - and now the company is taking a pro-abortion stand!!! DISAPPOINTED! Our family was looking to invest in DVC but that is out of the question now. Why should we spend thousands and thousands of dollars supporting a company with such little value in life. Grant you, your employees may have their personal views on abortion, but that is their view and should not spill over into the workplace values. Disney caters to families and children - why in the world would Disney want to start pushing their political views now. Don't ruin it for families as I am sure our family is not the only one concerned about your recent comments. Keep it up Disney, there are plenty of other vacation spots to spend our hard earn money. And, thank you very much, you lost a DVC customer. I guess we too will be watching Disney's next move.