Scott Simarano sent a message to Robert Iger that said:
To whom it may concern,
Thank you for taking my call.. I have been watching many episodes of the clone wars.. I was thinking about spin offs. One character comes to mind.. I think you should give high consideration of 1 season of Ahsoka Tano.. About the adventures she had after leaving the jedi temple after walking down the steps, away from Anakin Skywalker.. This girl leaves the jedi temple, not a penny to her name, no light sabers, not even a severance check.. There is plenty of character development to be had there at least 1 season.. You don't have to do 10 episodes.. You could do what Castlevania on Netflicks did for season 1. It was like between four and six episodes.. They got such overwhelming response they are working on season four... I don't know the cost of creating a clone war animated 35 minute show but I bet its a lot cheaper than a Mandalorian episode.. I cannot tell you what to do but I think you would be missing an oppourtunity with out giving that idea a chance .. I think the audience is there. I read on you tube comment sections of videos of Ashoka that fans have made and she has quite the dedicated following. I thing you would be surprised about the turn out .. Thanks again for your time.
Scott Simarano