Robin Chater – Dear Robin Chater, happy new year sir, I hope that this letter meets you in

Henry sent a message to Robin Chater that said:

Dear Robin Chater, happy new year sir,
I hope that this letter meets you in good health.I am soliciting for your assistance in transfer of some amount into your account for an intended investment in your country. The fund is being held under a non- investment account with Standard Chartered Bank Ghana Limited (SCB).

Fund Origin: The money was made through an over-invoice contract sum executed by my local branch. The contractors have been paid and the work commissioned remaining the balance which I seek to transfer into any of your nominated account. I will program your name on the account holding the fund as the original depositor for onward remittance to your account overseas.
Kindly get back to me immediately if you are interested for further explanation.
Yours Faithfully
Henry Smith
Branch Manager

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