muhamad fauzi bin talip sent a message to Roger Jenkins that said:
Greeting and morning
I, Muhamad Fauzi Bin Talip student from UTeM (Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka) are on the purge of completing my Bachelor\'s Degree in Mechanical Engineering Technology major in Maintenance Technology with Honour would like to request for industrial training at your company. As suppose to student on semester 8, we are required to attend an Industrial Training starting on 22nd February 2016 - 22 August 2016. However, should your company open the earlier than the date, an arrangement can be made. From that, I implore from the lord to consider my application and I apply to be in Bintulu, Sarawak. This is because being able to facilitate the process of me training industry later there. I strongly expect cooperation from the masters.
Thank you,