@rolex – jean frederic dufour – Dear Mr. Jean-Frederic Dufour, My name is Ilie Tomulescu and I recently got offered a

Tomulescu Ilie sent a message to jean frederic dufour that said:

Dear Mr. Jean-Frederic Dufour,

My name is Ilie Tomulescu and I recently got offered a place in Msc in Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation by the University of Copenhagen Denmark and I am looking forward for it .

Unfortunately, Copenhagen is one of the most expensive cities in the world and in order to fund my studies I decided to run a crowdfunding campaign.

I am writing you this message to ask for your support on my path of achieving my dream !

With one of the best CSR reputation,Rolex might be interested in someone with my profile and I believe there will be mutual benefits resulting from our cooperation !

Hereby attached you can see my video!

Please watch it and don’t hesitate to contact me!


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