@rossstore – Barbara Rentler – Good Morning Ms. Rentler, I am a current employee at Ross Stores (Folsom, CA) as

Andrew B Smith Jr. JD sent a message to Barbara Rentler that said:

Good Morning Ms. Rentler, I am a current employee at Ross Stores (Folsom, CA) as a Store Protection Specialist. I have a BA & JD degrees and currently working on my PHD. I am writing you because I have submitted a number of applications for open position at the Corporate Office and either I don't hear back or my application is rejected. I am not seeking special treatment, I am seeking a interview for a position that matches my educational and experience background. Human Resources is extremely difficult to communicate with or contact. In addition Ross Stores makes it impossible for promotion or to move to the corporate office. I am asking for your assistance in the matter. Thank you in advance.

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