@Ryanair – Michael OLeary – Dear Sir<br>My second letter of complaint to Ryanair regarding luggage charges has not been answered

Ann Terry sent a message to Michael OLeary that said:

Dear Sir
My second letter of complaint to Ryanair regarding luggage charges has not been answered. The first letter dated 5 May 2017 received an unsatisfactory reply in my opinion and the second letter dated 18 May sought to clarify the difficulties encountered with the online booking for 4 people and luggage. This was booked and paid for but at the airport we were charged £100 extra for luggage not booked. It had been. I am sorry to bother you with this but I was hoping that someone might reply and understand why the baggage charge did not appear on each booking despite paying for 4 cases.
Even where printed on the separate bookings it was very tiny print.
Thank you for your time.
Ann Terry

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