@satyanadella – Satya Nadella – Dear Mr Nadella, I'm so sorry to bother you with this matter, but this is

Bev Farrar sent a message to Satya Nadella that said:

Dear Mr Nadella,

I'm so sorry to bother you with this matter, but this is very important to me.

Customer service has just taken down my profile for the 3rd time since January 1, 2020 unfairly.

I have been a paying customer since 2015 and a customer in good standing with Linkedin since 2009 with 30,000 contacts, many endorsements and recommendations. When my profile is restricted, it means I have wasted 10 years on Linkedin. It's been so frustrating and felt like harassment to be taken down three times in two months.

Each time I've had to prove I am who I say I am by furnishing a form of Federal ID. On one occasion, the requirement by customer served was that I had to furnish two different Federal IDs and then was sent a Linkedin form letter that I would be required to have notarized to prove I am who I say I am. Before the document could be notarized, customer support emailed me that they had "permanently restricted" my account.

A Linkedin executive was able to get my profile reinstated the first time thankfully.

My posts generate many comments (much participation) and a many views from Linkedin members. This caused a lot of engagement since I have been with Linkedin since 2009 with 30,000 contacts.

My style is never to use bad language or to attack anyone personally but to post truthful information with sources and quotes.

I've been treated unfairly by Linkedin Customer Support which used to be there to help us when we needed help. It feels as though my profile is now being targeted with false reporting.

Even after furnishing customer service (on appeal) with proof what I had posted was true, customer support continues to restrict me from posting.

There may be nothing you can do about this but didn't know who else to contact beside Mr Weiner.

There is something not right about the process of taking down a member's profile without any real recourse.

If you can assist me, it would be so much appreciated.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

All the Best,
Bev Farrar

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