@satyanadella – Satya Nadella – Dear Mr. Satya Nadella, first of all, I am very angry and disappointed with Office

Horst Rose sent a message to Satya Nadella that said:

Dear Mr. Satya Nadella,
first of all, I am very angry and disappointed with Office 2019.
I have a MAC and had to switch to Office 2019 because the Office 2011 version (written in 32-bit), was no longer operable under Catalina, because only 64-bit-programs are there allowed. I also have to mention that I use VBA in many useful Excel applications.
In addition to the many mistakes in 2019, there is also the fact that the new Office is not compatible with 2011 in several respects.
I find it arrogant that some errors have been known for over a year, but they are not remedied, but only commented on with a workaround.
The biggest insolence, however, is that no Userforms can be created and maintained in 2019.
In my opinion, this business practice is unworthy of a company like yours.

Sincerely yours
Horst Rose

Note: This text was created with Google translator.

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