@scjohnson – Herbert Fisk Johnson – Dear Sir, I am writing this to you to let you know something. I know

Jane sent a message to Herbert Fisk Johnson that said:

Dear Sir, I am writing this to you to let you know something. I know this will have been almost 6 yrs. to the date sense our house fire. So her it goes on March 28th,2013 we had a house fire caused by a Glade plug in. We had insurance but thats not the point. The fire was caused by a Glade plug in. The Fire Marshalls said it was what caused it. But being that every thing burned up they could only say it was 20% what caused the fire. We lost everything . We even had to use our own money to pay for some of the rebuild. which was all our savings. Do you know how hard that was for us one minute we had a home the next we wher homeless. And only the cloths on our back. Plus the way I was treated . The a ajuster and the Fire Marshalls made me feel like I started the fire.. It still bothers me that they did that until they asked me all those questions. I had just spent a week spring cleaning my house why would I want to burn it . Then when we found out where the fire started it was where the Glade plug in was. I had jut put a new sent in 2 days before. I just wanted you to know that this still bothers me that we had to lose every thing because of this .

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