@SearsHoldings – Edward Lampert – HI my name is Jamie Washington, a order of 40 Christmas trees were ordered as

JAMIE WASHINGTON sent a message to Edward Lampert that said:

HI my name is Jamie Washington, a order of 40 Christmas trees were ordered as a a donation to my nonprofit. These items were ordered online on 11/12/2015 Order #1419759563. I received a email on 11/17 stating my items were available at the store for pick up , Store #3996. I get to the store and only have a total of 23 trees, i spoke with William the Store manager and his logistics team and assured me that they only received 23. I then called your 1-866 customer service number and was told that my items were sitting on a UPS Truck and they were unable to track them or determine when they would be arriving at the store. I was then told it would take 7-10 business days to get this issue resolved and that is unacceptable!!! I asked to be transferred to a Manager who could over night my items, because as a customer I shouldn\'t be inconvenienced. I was then Placed on hold and no one ever return that call last 1hour and 25mins which is outrageous Since no one was coming back to help me I called from another phone, were I reached another customer rep who stated they didn\'t know were my items were! This is my second Year ordering my nonprofit items from KMART AND IT WILL BE MY LAST I WILL DO MY BEST TO TELL EVERYONE AND SOCIAL MEDIA ABOUT THE POOR AND IRRESPONSIBLE SERVICE I RECEIVED! I stated numerous times on the call that I needed my items to be sent over night, and I asked to be transferred to someone could deliver my simple request. I have Attached are my phone records with your team! I would like to have the CEO CEO: Edward Scott Lampert CFO or COO contact me ASAP or head of your customer relations department 404-453-1947

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