@SearsHoldings – Edward Lampert – Interesting times we live in. I understand you have been having a problem in getting

Thomas Andrews sent a message to Edward Lampert that said:

Interesting times we live in. I understand you have been having a problem in getting people in the door. Have you considered expanding. Right now Rite Aid is seemly having a problem also. Might i make a recommendation that may benefit you greatly. When you consider that a retail business is nothing but a warehouse that provides a place for vendors to display a product. If you will approach retail that way and bring in come vendors it will drive business to you stores. Rite Aid will be seeking places to sell products, You have that place, reach out. Ask direct TV and A.T.T. to put in vendor stations. Put in work out facilities for the youth. Brings in cross traffic. Put in a smoothy bar. Bring in a Investment group for the common man. (a great idea) Make people servicing the business. bring in A tax prepare at tax time. Bring in a TD Amer-trade and have them make a simple way to invest for the people at the check out. Become a group think corporations. Get all these companies working for your good. Leverage knowledge. Leverage others companies strong and weak positions. Expand sears offerings to the public. Get out of the box. Put in a sales stations for other companies. You really want to make money. This is the path. Get a company that sales computers to run your computers sales. Phones, computers and printing services. Put in a auto service center even if you just rent the space out. Rents rents and rents means profits profits and profits.

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