Jackie sent a message to Jeff Dailey – Chief Executive Officer of Farmers Group, Inc. – Email Address that said:
You may or may not be aware that your people recently began going through ancient history and adding historic names to policies that have no business being there.
I recently reviewed a policy for renewal of insurance on my 2009 vehicle, and discovered the name of a person who I have not known since 1984 included in the drivers section. Further, I discovered this person had been added to my other two vehicles as well.
I tried utilizing the online chat to have them removed, to no avail. I was told that they are a non-driver, and the inference was that it didnt matter. It matters to me! I've contacted my agent and just received, basically, the same result from him. Though what I see online lists them as a driver.
Frankly, I don't care if they are considered a non-driver, they have no business being listed on MY policies, especially since they were never a driver on any of these vehicles; all of which are post-1984. What matters to me is that only my name appears on my policies! As a single, independent person, I take great pride in handling all of my responsibilities. Adding someone else's name to my policies is an affront to me.
I also don't understand why this was done in the first place. Why dig through history and add names to peoples' policies? I was divorced in 1979, is my ex's name eventually going to find its' way onto my policies? Why would someone be added now, especially without my permission? I would like answers to these questions.
These are MY policies. This action on the part of Farmers is not acceptable. The refusal to remove this person from my policies is extremely not acceptable.
I have been a faithful Farmers policyholder since I got my first car in 1974, and I currently have 3 vehicles and my home insured by Farmers. I have steadfastly refused to even look at other offers, though I receive many; however, if I continue to see any name other than my own on my policies I will seek another company.
I really don't want to do that. Please, please, get the ball rolling to correct this.