Paul Rusk sent a message to James Meyer that said:
I just completed a call about my account. I have 2 cars. A year ago, I was told that both cars would be merged into one account and billed together. This never happened. I received an email on March 10 to call about my account. I found that one car was on a two month billing cycle and the other on a six month cycle.
I paid for three months of service on the two month billing cycle car to force both cars to end on June 11. The person I spoke with said I will have to call back at that time to actually merge into one billing. I asked if there was a person to talk with to hear my story and complaint. The woman said no, there is no "complaint" person or contact at Sirius.
You must have the best company in the world! I am very disappointed in your ability to service customers. I pay a lot to subscribe and expect at least a minimum amount of service and respect.