@sonicautomotive – Bruton Smith – Hello sir! I\'ve spent many hours over many days, combing the internet in the hopes

Damian Nunimaker sent a message to Bruton Smith that said:

Hello sir! I\'ve spent many hours over many days, combing the internet in the hopes to find a means to reach you.

For several years, I\'ve periodically searched the internet for an update on the brief period you\'d entertained building a Nurburgring replica in the US. I understand there may have been discussion with the BLM, Nevada govt, etc.

As former Chief Operating Officer of a small boutique car manufacturer, I\'ve spent times at many club tracks, etc. That company has since dissolved, and I would like to offer any assistance I can to bringing this brief fantasy to fruition. What a DEFINING legacy to leave, as America\'s growth and interest in road racing and European motorsports grows more than ever!

If this ever reaches you, please know that there are FEW men in this country capable of seeing such a project through, but I\'m confident you\'re one of those few! I\'d be SOLELY committed to assisting you in any way I could. I\'ve a savvy negotiator, a very skilled car builder and most importantly a passionate enthusiast! Let\'s do this!

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