Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Limited GB – Andrew House email address

Daniel sent a message to Andrew House President and Group CEO, Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. that said:

Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Limited
10 Great Marlborough Street
United Kingdom
Dear Mr. House,

It is unfortunate that I have to address my complaint to you directly, but despite all our efforts, over a period of 3 months, I haven't been able to use my PSN account and nothing has been done to solve this, no one from SCEE seems to be bothered.

I am writing to you as a 14 year old PlayStation 4 user with a PS Plus subscription starting from December 2013. In October, 2014 somebody broke into my account and started to withdraw money from my account wallet illegally using (20 times!) the credit card data set in the system. This credit card belonged to my mother, so when she noticed the attack, she advised the bank (Citibank) to ban the card and investigate the case.

This was in December last year. After that I could still log in to my PSN account for a little while, and in January I renewed my PS Plus subscription for another year. But since 13 February, 2015 I haven't been able to log in, my account has been banned and on top of missing the games I've been losing precious months of my PS Plus subscription, too.

My problem is that it was absolutely not my fault that somebody had hacked the system, but it's me who is suffering its consequences. I think that a company like Sony should not allow to have such safety leaks in its operation but if something like this happens, then it should handle it more professionally and in a way that it doesn't damage fair players. Not even mentioning the fact, that PS4 is not the cheapest console.

Citibank's practice in this way is quite exemplary: the bank has transferred the money back accepting or presuming that the transactions were unathorized. I would appreciate if you followed the same way and lifted the ban on the PSN account until you close the investigation.

I hope you understand the situation and will make every effort to solve my problem as soon as possible. I would really appreciate your help and Im looking forward to your response.

Please find here the list of the illegal banking transactions.

Thanking you in advance,



19 April, 2015

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