@Sony – Kazuo Hirai – To kazuo "kaz" Kirai , Hi my name is neil moore I am from Australia, I

NEIL MOORE sent a message to Kazuo Hirai that said:

To kazuo "kaz" Kirai , Hi my name is neil moore I am from Australia, I have been designing an drawing on paper TV Entertainment cabinets, Aquarium TV Units an TV video game Recliner chairs for a Quite a long time, I have put only some drawing from paper from my designs on 3D animation. I feel an believe these designs can change the direction in TV entertainment units that has never been done be for in not only in Australia but all around the world that is not out in the world at this present time were I have searched on the internet for a few yrs an nothing comes close to my Unique designs, I believe my direction in my designs in with SONY in Entertainment TV could redirect a new change in history the way of Entertainment units are today. I feel this could b a good innovation for SONY, if in any way this could help in any way please don't hesitate to say hello, thanking u kindly for your time, neil moore.

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